Free Client Onboarding Template | Spades Main
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Client Onboarding

Set the expectations and end your troubles.

Starting off on the right foot isn't just important. It's essential, especially when you're looking to build long-lasting client relationships

Buckle up, because we’re about to revolutionize the way you roll out the welcome mat!

Why this can’t be ignored:

Well, I'll give you the facts.

  1. Customer Retention: A study by Bain & Company shows that increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%. Effective onboarding sets the stage for this kind of retention magic.

  2. Client Satisfaction: Salesforce research highlights that 74% of people are likely to switch brands if they find the purchasing process too difficult. A streamlined onboarding process can significantly enhance client satisfaction and keep them from jumping ship.

  3. Long-term Profitability: According to the Harvard Business Review, acquiring a new customer is anywhere from 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. First-rate onboarding not only keeps clients but also reduces churn and boosts your bottom line.



What is in a Client Onboard template.

  • Tailored Welcome Packs: From the get-go, your clients know they’re in for a treat. Customised welcome packs that scream 'we’ve been expecting you!' set the tone for what’s to come.

  • Personal Onboarding Specialist: This means they have a go-to person for all their needs, making them feel supported and valued from day one.

  • Clear Milestones and Expectations: No one likes to be left in the dark. We map out the journey so your clients know exactly what to expect and when to expect it, keeping them engaged and informed.

  • Overdeliver: Set expectations in a way that is easy for you to impress your clients and make them feel valued.

⭐ Wait, there is a bonus.

Download it now and get the whole template bundle!

  • Worker Onboarding: Start with the right foot

  • Client Onboarding: Layout your rules of engagement and make your life way easier.

  • Attitude Manual: Make sure your whole team in on the same page, behaving well and engaged at work.

  • Site Induction Template: Stop PPTing workers to sleep. Lay out your site rules 

Add your email below and LET'S GO!

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