Welcome to Spades
Follow the 4-STEPs
so you're paid on time!
This process should take you 20 minutes.
1 - Watch Spades intro video.
2 - Memorise these instructions.
✅ You MUST collect a timesheet signature EVERY DAY! We hold the right to withhold your payment until you or your allocator collects it.
✅ DO NOT falsify your supervisor's signature. If you can't collect the signature, inform us ASAP.
✅ You need to submit ALL your timesheets by SUNDAY so we can pay you in full by WEDNESDAY night!
✅ Inform your allocator if your job won’t need you anymore! This way we can send you to another job.
✅ Have PEN AND PAPER to collect physical timesheets if your phone runs out of battery.
✅ If you can't attend work, inform your ALLOCATOR and SUPERVISOR. NO-SHOWs get recorded on your profile!
✅ Behave PROFESSIONALLY at all times so we can keep hiring you!
✅ You will have the option to sign up as a Contractor (ABN) or as an Employee (TFN). If you don't know, click here to see the difference.
✅ You must comply with our Safety Standards in our Safety Guide
✅ You must follow our Behaviour Standards in our Field Manual.
✅ By Joining Spades, you agree to our Terms & Conditions.
3 - Watch Role Specific Videos.
Construction - Behaviour Guide
Warehouse - Behaviour Guide