New Worker Onboard | Spades Labour Hire
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Welcome to Spades

Follow the 7-STEPs
so you're paid on time!

This process should take you 30 minutes.

1 - Watch intro video.




Signup to get onboarding materials in your email


📧 Check your email after you finish here

2 - Memorise these instructions.


✅ You MUST collect timesheet signature EVERY DAY!
We hold the right to hold your payment until you or your allocator collects it.

DO NOT attempt to falsify your supervisor's signature. If you did not collect the signature inform us ASAP.

✅ Inform your allocator if your job is FINISHED as soon as possible! 

Have PEN AND PAPER if your phone runs out of battery.

✅ If you won't be able to attend work please let your ALLOCATOR and SUPERVISOR know. NO-SHOWs get recorded on your profile!

 Behave PROFESSIONALLY at all times so we can keep hiring you!

3 - Learn how to create timesheets using Spades App

Watch video below




4 - Sing a employment contract

Contractors (ABN) and employees (TFN)  have to sign different paperwork.



⚠️ Not sure what is the difference?
Check page below.



For ABN Contractors
As a contractor, you need to have your own insurance and sign:

Sole Trader Contract.

⚠️You will not be paid until you sign these forms. 


For TFN Employees

As a casual employee need to fill out and sign:

Casual Employment Contract

⚠️You will not be paid until you sign these forms. 


5 - Watch Role Specific Videos and Read our guides

To exceed as a worker and get pay rises you may be aware of our conduct and safety guides.


Construction - Behaviour Guide

Warehouse - Behaviour Guide

6 - Download and signup on Spades App.

Links below!



👉 If you don't have ABN just fill it out with zeros.

00 000 000 00

👉 Payday is Wednesday Night

👉 Submit ALL your timesheets by Sunday.

7 - Read Safety and Behavior Guide PDFs

To exceed as a worker and get pay rises you may be aware of our conduct and safety manuals.


*Following the instructions in our our guides will highly increase the chances of you getting a pay rise and growing in your career

You will also receive copies on your email

Thank You!

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